Tuesday, November 23, 2021

What are sections in a robot framework file?

Robot Framework and Visual Studio Code Logos

In this tutorial, we will create an empty Robot Framework script that will later be used for test automation.

Robot Framework scripts are plain text files with the extension .robot. 

Each robot framework file contains a suite that can contain Tests or Tasks.

Whare are the sections in Robot Framework? 

Each file needs to have predefined sections; examples of Robot Framework sections are given below.

  • Setting
  • Keywords
  • Test Cases

How to define a section in a .robot file? 

The sections in an RF script are defined using a specific convention. 

The Robot Framework Language Server makes our life easier by helping us do the right things in the correct format. 

To see a practical example, Let's open the Visual Studio Code. 

Let's click Open Folder and select a folder where we'll store our test automation or RPA Robot Framework scripts which we will create together in this course.

After opening a folder, let's create a new file to store our Robot framework automation script. 

I'll call it Section1.robot

What is the structure of a section name in Robot Framework? 

Now I'll click in the text editor and type a triple asterisk *** followed by the word settings. 

Intellisense will help us do this easily. 

*** Settings ***

A section in a robot file is defined by starting a new line with three asterisks, whitespace, the section name, another whitespace, and three asterisks at the end of the line. 

***[space]<section name>[space]***[newline]

I'll press enter and repeat the same process for some more sections, like Keywords and Test Cases.

We can also have a Variables section, but I'll come to it in a later post. 

Now save the file by pressing Ctrl + S. I'll call it first-script.robot.

(the file extension of robot script files is .robot)

This is an empty script. But still, we can use it to find out if we've done everything correctly so far or not. 

To run this empty script, we will click the terminal menu item and select "New Terminal." 

Over here, let's type robot space Section1, press tab, and the enter key. 

The Robot Framework will tell you that the test suite defined in this file doesn't contain any tests or tasks. 

Don't worry; we'll fill later. 

For now, we have set up Robot Framework correctly and have already created an empty shell suite file for our use.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

The Role of Browser Driver in Test automation and Downloading Google ChromeDriver to use with Selenium and Robot Framework

 The role of browser driver in test automation and downloading Chrome driver

For running browser-based UI test automation on a browser, we need to have a browser installed on our PC. I got the Google Chrome browser installed. 

But we also need to install a “browser driver". 

You must be thinking, why do we need a browser driver for test automation, what does it do? 

Let me explain why. 

When we write test automation scripts in Robot Framework, our scripts utilize the Selenium library to control the actions of various web elements through the Selenium Library. 

Because a browser can be created in many different ways. There can be serious differences in what an automation software needs to do for controlling different browsers through automation. 

The creators of Selenium library can’t always stay up to date with the fine details of every supported browser all the time. 

That is why the browser makers have taken up the responsibility for providing the components or drivers needed for controlling their browsers through automation. 

These drivers conform to the industry standard web specifications(link). 

Drivers are available for most popular browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge.

The driver software used to automate the Chrome browser is called Chrome Driver.

For Firefox it is called Firefox drive, and for Edge, you would’ve guessed it already. Edge Drive. 

Different versions of Chrome browser are controlled through different versions of Chrome Driver. 

Before downloading the driver, we need to check the version of Chrome browser which is installed on your PC.

I will open the Chrome browser and click on the address bar. 

Now type chrome://version and hit enter. 

You can see which version of Chrome is installed. 

We will Download the specific driver file for the version of the browser which we have installed on our machine. 

Let’s open a new tab and search for Selenium chrome driver.

Now open the first link

Over here, I’ll click a ChromeDriver link for a suitable version of the Chrome driver(link).

Right now there are drivers for multiple versions of Chrome.

These numbers will change in the future and you should download the relevant version. 

Let me click the Chrome Driver link. 

Since I’m on Windows, I’ll download the driver for Win32. A separate x64 bit driver is not available as of now. 

Once the driver is downloaded. Let’s copy it to a separate folder. 

I’ve created a new folder on C drive and called it Chrome Drivers. 

In fact, let’s call it SeleniumDrivers instead. 

How to add ChromeDriver path to Environment Variables

We’re going to add the path of this folder to our system Environment Variables because that will make our lives easier. 

On Windows 10, I’ll click the start button and type Settings. 

Over here I’ll search for environment variables. 

I’ll select “Edit the system environment variables

Click on “Environment Variables” button

Double click  “Path” 

Click “New” and paste the path of the folder where you’ve placed the Chrome driver. 

Now close the environment variables. 

A quick way to see if you’ve configured the path correctly is by opening PowerShell and running the command “ChromeDriver”. 

You see that the console says “Chrome Driver started successfully”

Let’s close the window and proceed. 

This is the end of this article. Do check the previous articles in this series and the next one(coming soon).

All articles in Robot Framework Tutorial Series

  1. Introduction to Robot Framework, Test Automation, and RPA Tool
  2. Installing RobotFramework, RobotFrameworkSelenium, Python on your PC & updating Pip
  3. Robot Framework with VS Code and RF Language Server
  4. The role of browser driver in test automation and downloading Google ChromeDriver to use with Selenium and Robot Framework

Monday, August 16, 2021

Robot Framework with VS Code and RF Language Server

 Installing Visual Studio Code and Robot Framework Language Server 

VS Code, Robot Framework, and Python/Pip installation for test automation

Robot framework scripts are plain text files.

It is possible to write Robot Framework scripts in any text editor like Notepad, but you might make small mistakes that could be hard to catch. Proper tools are also available to make your life easier. 

These tools are very helpful especially when you’re starting afresh. 

One such tool is Visual Studio Code. Visual Studio code is available for many platforms including Windows, Linux, and Mac.

An alternative is IntelliJ PyCharm IDE but in this tutorial, I’m going to show you how to setup VS Code for creating Robot Framework automation scripts. 

I’ll launch the browser and download Visual Studio Code

Let’s install it. You'll need to agree to the terms and conditions.

We'll select all options on “Select Additional Tasks”  and click Next then click Install.

I’ll leave checked the “Launch Visual Studio Code” option and click Finish

Visual Studio Code will open after you click the finish button.

Maximize the VS Code window and click the Extensions icon on the left side.

Search for “Robot Framework Language Server Extensions” and install it

After this search for “Python” in plugins and install the one from Microsoft. 

When the installation is finished, we’ll be good to start work with Robot Framework but there is one small pre-requisite we still have to download to run automation.

I'll show that to you in my next article.

Stay tuned. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

All articles in the Robot Framework Test Automation series

  1. Introduction to Robot Framework, Test Automation, and RPA Tool
  2. Installing RobotFramework, RobotFrameworkSelenium, Python on your PC & updating Pip
  3. Robot Framework with VS Code and RF Language Server
  4. The role of browser driver in test automation and downloading Google ChromeDriver to use with Selenium and Robot Framework

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Installing RobotFramework, RobotFrameworkSelenium, Python on your PC & updating Pip

 Installing Python to run Robot Framework

The Robot Framework is built using Python programming language. To use Robot Framework, you don’t need to know Python. But, you still need to have it installed on the machine where you want to develop Robot framework automation scripts or run them. 

Let’s download and install the latest version of Python by visiting python.org.

Python.org - download Python

We’ll download the latest version. 

Hover the mouse over the "Downloads" menu item and select the latest version for Windows.

Many versions for a variety of platforms are available here(on Python's website). 

You can download using any browser be it Edge or Chrome.  

I planned to teach how to perform automation using Google Chrome in the course for which I wrote this material and thought to install Chrome plus the Chrome Driver later on. 

Now open the installer file. 

Do remember to click the checkbox “Add Python x.y to PATH”

It is important to note down the path where you’ve installed Python. 

Click customize installation

Click next

I am not changing anything but I just wanted you to see what are the options available. 

Click next again and click install

Once the installation is finished, I’ll click close. 

Now let’s check through Windows Powershell if we can run python from there or not. 

Having python installed correctly is necessary for running Robot Framework automation. 

I’ll click the windows button and type Powershell. I’ll click it to open it. 

Windows 10 Opening Windows Powershell

Over here, I’ll type Python space -version command to find Python version and press enter. 

Python -version 

You can see that the currently installed version. 

How to update Python Package Manager Pip

Updating Pip is a small but important detail. It is an integral part of the Python echo system but the latest version doesn’t come bundled with the setup for some reason. 

Pip is the default package manager software that comes bundled with the Python programming language. 

We are going to use Pip to install the robot framework library in our Python setup. 

It is a command-line based tool

We are going to use a command to find the current version of pip installed on our PC and whether it’s the latest and greatest or not. 

I’ll open the PowerShell

I will type the command and hit enter

pip list

The command which is used to upgrade pip is also shown below. I’m going to type it and hit enter. 

Python -m pip install --upgrade pip

The example shows the full path of python installation but I’m using just the word Python, because we’ve added this path to our system’s path variable. 

An upgrade(of Python pip) will be downloaded and installed for you, it is a small package. 

If it gets stuck here, hit enter a few times and you’ll be done. 

Installing RobotFramework and RobotFrameworkSelenium on your PC

After installing Python and upgrading the Pip package manager, we are going to install the Robot Framework using PowerShell. 

The command is very simple, let’s type it in and press enter

Pip install robotframework

Once the command has been successfully executed, the Python installed on your PC will have all the components of Robot Framework available locally. 


For performing browser automation with Selenium, we must install the robotframework-Selenium library 

Let’s do it. 

Pip install robotframework-seleniumlibrary

Once the installation is finished, we’re good to run Robot Framework scripts on this machine. 

In the next blog(and upcoming video) I'll show you how to install tools in Visual Studio Code to create Robot Framework scripts. 

All articles in the Robot Framework test automation series

  1. Introduction to Robot Framework, Test Automation, and RPA Tool
  2. Installing RobotFramework, RobotFrameworkSelenium, Python on your PC & updating Pip
  3. Robot Framework with VS Code and RF Language Server
  4. The role of browser driver in test automation and downloading Google ChromeDriver to use with Selenium and Robot Framework

Monday, April 19, 2021

Introduction to Robot Framework, Test Automation and RPA Tool

What is Robot Framework

Robot Framework is a test automation framework. It is a keyword-driven automation framework. It is written in Python language but you can use it without knowing Python language. 

In order to create automation scripts using Robot Framework, we utilize certain predefined keywords.

Some examples of keywords are

  • Click Button
  • Wait Until Element is Visible
  • And
  • Input Text

All of these keywords take parameters that are used to control their behavior.

For example, the keyword Click Button and the keyword Wait Until Element is Visible of Selenium Library allow us to supply the information about the button we want to click and the element we want to wait for. 

The Input text keyword lets us specify where do we want to input text and what text do we want to input.

Many keyword libraries for Robot Framework are available. You can test almost any system using Robot Framework libraries. 

The diverse and versatile libraries are the real superpower of Robot Framework. It is possible to create complete test automation and quality assurance solutions with Robot Framework. 

Robot Framework is Python-based, but unlike many other automation tools, you don’t need to take a programming course before getting started to learn Robot Framework.

The requirement to learn a programming language such as Python, Java, or C# is the first barrier of entry for many QA professionals who want to learn test automation. Python Framework liberates you from this prerequisite.

We can use multiple IDEs for writing Robot Framework tests. 

For example, IntelliJ PyCharm IDE, Microsoft Visual Studio Code IDE, and the open source Robot IDE or RIDE for short. 

On an interesting side note, Robot Framework can also be used in a Java-based ecosystem through Jython and in .Net available through IronPython.

Robot Framework can also be used for Robotic Process Automation(RPA). 

Now that we know what Robot Framework is, we also need to know what Robot Framework is not.

Robot Framework is not a record and playback-based test automation tool. It is more like  Lego for test automation. Many ready-made pieces are available for you to combine and make your own masterpiece.

The first version of Robot Framework was launched in 2005. Robot Framework has got very strong community support, its slack channel RobotFramework is very active.

Robot Framework version 4 is the latest version of the software.

A lot of libraries are available to be used with Robot Framework.

A list of popular robot framework libraries is given below

  • Selenium Library
  • Appium Library
  • Request
  • Soap Library
  • Database Library
  • Browser Library
  • Archive Library

Robot Framework is an easy-to-use, versatile, and extensive tool. It has survived the test of time and it is here to stay.

Let us proceed towards installing the tools needed to get started with Robot Framework. 

All articles in Robot Framework Series

  1. Introduction to Robot Framework, Test Automation, and RPA Tool
  2. Installing RobotFramework, RobotFrameworkSelenium, Python on your PC & updating Pip
  3. Robot Framework with VS Code and RF Language Server
  4. The role of browser driver in test automation and downloading Google ChromeDriver to use with Selenium and Robot Framework