Sunday, August 18, 2019

Software testing and it's relationship with automated testing tools

Software testing is a quality control activity
It is considered to be a repetitive and labor intensive task
Computers in general are you know capable of doing such repetitive, boring, and labor intensive tasks really well.

This is where the test automation tools(Selenium, Appium, WinAppDriver)  come into play.
Test automation tools help us to delegate the labour intensive;  repetitive software testing tasks to the computers, because that’s what the machines do the best.
Making the cyborgs do the boring software testing job frees up time for  Homosepians!, allowing them to be creative; something the machines can’t do well. At least at the time when this course was being created.

Test automation can be divided in two major sections…

  1. “Creating scripts intended to exercise various parts of the software system under test and assert the results shown by the System Under Test or SUT.”
  2. “Running the test scripts to actually exercise the system and display the results.”

Any programming language can be used to write these scripts including but not limited to C# .Net, Java, or Python.

Once the test automation scripts are in place, proper tools are available to run the scripts as well. The job of a test automation engineer doesn't end once the scripts are written. Test engineers are needed maintain the tests in case the application under test is changed.

In general; when we run test scripts they either pass or fail based on the response of system under test. The tests might fail if the test scripts have a bug. Such things can raise a false flag that you've found a defect.

Reports generated by a test run are a work product of automated testing. We can see these reports to assess the correctness of the system in a “quantitative fashion”

Several types of automated testing tools are available in the market

These tools facilitate the process of writing and running test scripts
These tools also commonly include utility software to record user actions and prepare test scripts based on those actions
I will provide you the essential knowledge of the tools related to WinAppDriver and Visual Studio for testing Windows applications and the basic concepts to get you started in the right direction.
The reason for sticking with the basics is that a single course won’t be sufficient to cover all available types of automated testing tools